Shop Your Way To Weight Loss – AND CASH!
Imagine shopping in a completely different way – shopping to drop…to drop those extra pounds you’ve been trying to lose!
Do you have a fear of success, failure or being rejected? Do you feel like you are supposed to be mediocre all your life? What is the reigning thought that is bringing fear? Dani shares how to overcome fear in your life and in your business. You will discover strongholds and high places that need to be taken down. You will no longer submit to thoughts of fear! Listen now to this Spiritual Equipping Broadcast to learn how to turn your fear into a promotion.
Imagine shopping in a completely different way – shopping to drop…to drop those extra pounds you’ve been trying to lose!
Watch this undercover video of Dani Johnson shopping in the grocery store! Watch real time debt elimination tips.
It’s time to break free from the same ruts, chains and cycles of failure in your life.