What Are The Casualties Of Your Busy-ness?
A staggering 89% of Americans report a problem with that all-important “work-life balance.” Have you found yourself wondering how your lost your footing in life?
On this call Dani teaches on a subject that is essential for success in every area of your life. Without this key, everything else fails. There is a plan and a purpose for those of you in the marketplace. This message will help you to find freedom and victory in the fullness of your calling. This key principle is essential for your success in life! Listen now to this Spiritual Equipping Broadcast on the one key principle that will change your life forever!
A staggering 89% of Americans report a problem with that all-important “work-life balance.” Have you found yourself wondering how your lost your footing in life?
Sometimes we are asked to trust an idea, a person or a set of directions that might sound just plain crazy!
How do you handle offense? How has it hurt you or your business?