Have Your 2014 Resolutions Gotten Off-Track?
Take some time to review your goals for the year, refocus, and take a second swing at those New Year’s Resolutions you set back in January!
Do you feel like you can’t get enough? Dani Johnson shared a very special Spiritual Equipping in the Marketplace message that she had prepared for this particular event. She shares her insights based on her personal experience and proven biblical principles. This inspiring message describes the 7 danger areas that could lead a person into poverty. Listen now to this Spiritual Equipping in the Marketplace message on the 7 poverty traps and how to avoid them.
Take some time to review your goals for the year, refocus, and take a second swing at those New Year’s Resolutions you set back in January!
Experience the passion behind the book! This never before released video clip of Dani Johnson is from a sold out crowd nearly 2 years ago in Los Angeles – literally, […]
All words matter – these simply matter more than most.