Does Your Faith Produce REAL Results???
Don’t miss this Spiritual Equipping episode of The Dani Johnson Show, as Dani shares how to cultivate real faith – that produces REAL RESULTS!
Maybe you experienced it on the phone, at the store, or even flying! No matter what we know, how well we communicate, this one thing brings out the worst in us. And if we do it, it turns our customers off. Find out what it is when Dani exposes the root that turns customers off, no matter what type of business you are in. This show aired May 5th, 2010.
Don’t miss this Spiritual Equipping episode of The Dani Johnson Show, as Dani shares how to cultivate real faith – that produces REAL RESULTS!
Clear your schedule for this episode of The Dani Johnson Show, as Dani shares how failures along the way can actually propel you toward unparalleled success!
Learn how, by watching this episode of The Dani Johnson Show to uncover how you CAN afford healthy food for yourself and your family!