Are You Feeding Your Waistline & Starving Your Bottom Line?
Small decisions determine big results…
Know that old Albert Einstein quote, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”? What mistakes do you keep making over and over again – expecting that this time things will work out okay? Do you self-sabotage? Do you have a hard time thinking long-term? Do you procrastinate and put off the hard stuff? Listen to this Monday Night Strategy Call as Dani reveals the 7 all-too-easy habits that lead down the road to failure – a road with few exits!
Here’s some of what Dani focuses on in this call:
As Dani says, “People who are not wholeheartedly committed do not go far. They turn around and blame someone else for their lack of success… If you go at whatever you’re doing fully committed, you’re going to reap amazing results. And you will reap it quickly. Are you wholeheartedly committed to what you’re doing?”
So now how would you answer? Failure is not an option! Listen to Dani’s call right now — just click on the audio bar below and get ready to succeed.
Small decisions determine big results…
It’s time to put an end to the “Time Thieves” creeping in and setting up shop in your life.
Saving money is a nice idea, but like a lot of things, it’s easier said than done.