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Extreme Couponing: Deal or Scam?

100 bottles of cough syrup. 200 boxes of Tic-Tacs. 100 jars of tomato sauce. 60 blood sugar monitors. Sounds a bit excessive, doesn’t it? But what if you use coupons […]

100 bottles of cough syrup. 200 boxes of Tic-Tacs. 100 jars of tomato sauce. 60 blood sugar monitors. Sounds a bit excessive, doesn’t it? But what if you use coupons and are able to get all of these things at a super discounted price? Is it worth it? Do you really save money by using coupons? Or are coupons just another marketing scam? Catch The Dani Johnson Show as Dani exposes the truth about coupons, and how you can maximize your savings!

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