Greed: It’s Not A Matter Of Money, It’s A Matter Of The Heart
Where a $5 cup of coffee, a McMansion and the latest $500 high-tech gadget used to be seen as luxuries, today these have become the accepted norm.
It has been said that parents are the biggest influences in a child’s life. Children depend on their parents to teach them everything from the difference in right and wrong to how to spend money. But some parents actually avoid having financial discussions with their children. Listen to The Dani Johnson Show as Dani explores the negative effects of avoiding some of the most important lessons a parent should teach their children.
Where a $5 cup of coffee, a McMansion and the latest $500 high-tech gadget used to be seen as luxuries, today these have become the accepted norm.
Dani Johnson shares 7 steps to cut your debt and make money work for you with Dallas CBS News!
Dani Johnson’s latest seminar in Dallas produced some incredible results – and stories! One of the best: Over $2 million in debt got paid off! Another: Alan, who dropped $182,000 […]