Conflict Happens! So What Will You Do About It?
Conflicts can ruin relationships, break trust, cause stress and keep you in a rut. So what is the best way to successfully resolve any conflict?
As we head into the new year, it is time to set some goals and make some plans to make 2013 your best year yet! However, with all the talk of the financial turmoil ahead, it may be difficult to believe that financial freedom is in your forecast. Listen to The Dani Johnson Show as Dani takes a look at your financial forecast for 2013 and shares how you can make this your best financial year yet!
Conflicts can ruin relationships, break trust, cause stress and keep you in a rut. So what is the best way to successfully resolve any conflict?
Ironically, passions for career, money, food, addictions, shopping, and even yourself, could be the “false gods” that prevent you from reaping the blessings from the one, true God!
Dani Johnson shares 7 steps to cut your debt and make money work for you with Dallas CBS News!