Are We Medicating Symptoms Instead Of Finding Real Cures?
It’s time to break free from the same ruts, chains and cycles of failure in your life.
Have you ever had a conversation that ended with some form of, “Oh yeah? Well look who’s talking!” This statement would usually conclude a passionate discussion between disagreeing parties. Consider a situation between a husband and wife: as the husband commented on a noted imperfection in his wife, the wife retorts. Her response was formed as a justified opinion, after taking her husband’s own defects into consideration. Both responses have a name: judgment.
The “J” word is not a popular subject since it is an issue that most struggle with. The majority of people point fingers, blaming others for the various curve balls life throws. It is a widely accepted behavior and justified form of a second-grade level issue. Think about it. Judgement has left the playground and has entered politics, church congregations, marriages, schools, the list goes on.
Whether you experience conflict on a minor or major scale, press PLAY to:
What are you waiting for? Change starts here!
It’s time to break free from the same ruts, chains and cycles of failure in your life.
For the last four and a half years, Dani Johnson has delivered powerful LIVE Spiritual Equipping bonus sessions at her highly acclaimed business and personal development seminars. To this day, […]
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