Think You’re Not Leading Others? Think Again!
You are leading someone, whether it’s your children, your team, your business, your staff, or your coworkers. The question is, what are you doing with that influence?
The presidential election is right around the corner, and the debates are wrapping up. People either love one candidate and dislike the other, they don’t agree with either, or they’re so uninformed and disconnected that they couldn’t care less who gets elected. We, the people, must make a decision about what’s best for the future of our nation, but in order to do so, we must first know where we stand. Tune in to The Dani Johnson Show as Dani discusses the future of this nation and your part in it.
You are leading someone, whether it’s your children, your team, your business, your staff, or your coworkers. The question is, what are you doing with that influence?
Small decisions determine big results…
Remembering those who came before us – and paid a great price for our freedom.