Promote Diligence In Yourself To Get Yourself Promoted
Maybe turning that attitude of annoyance into an attitude of gratitude could be the first step toward finding career satisfaction and success.
Have you ever had someone wrong you, lie about you, steal from you, persecute you, hurt you? What is your response to that? Do you get mad and want to get even? Do you feel like these things always happen to you? Watch to Dani’s Spiritual Equipping in the Marketplace message and discover how you can get more than even, and experience growth and advancement in these situations!
Maybe turning that attitude of annoyance into an attitude of gratitude could be the first step toward finding career satisfaction and success.
Have you ever considered that your dreams can be found in your shopping cart?
Yikes! Does that phone have teeth? Well, that’s what many people think when they work on a home-based business – and are afraid to make the right calls. If you […]