Out With The Old…And In With Some New CASH!
With the first day of spring just over a week away, this is a great time to not only do some spring cleaning, but you can also SAVE a lot of money and even MAKE money in the process!
What is your job description? And I’m not just talking about your “day job”, but all the other jobs you step into every day of your life? You could be a mother, a father, a loyal friend, the neighborhood go-to handyman, the super-supportive long distance big sister, the listening ear…
Some of these jobs, such as being a parent pay out in the long run. But a LOT of these other job positions pay nothing! Have you ever found yourself distracted, stressed out or unfocused because you are dealing with other people’s agendas?
Take a look at your life now and evaluate what positions you fulfill for others that don’t pay. Are you a constant people pleaser? Do you have to be the ever-ready shoulder for a friend to lean upon?
We have a tendency to take on the weight of other people, the opinions of other people or rush to the defense of others. And then we live in that unpaid job position, when it has no benefits, no room for promotion and only pays you in extra stress.
If you are a full-time customer service representative and a full-time, unpaid “counselor” for your friends, and a full-time member of your extended family, you are over-extending yourself — when do you have time for YOU? No wonder you don’t have time to pursue other goals! When you stretch yourself so thin, you will be emotionally and physically tired. And if you have to be a parent and loving spouse on top of that, oh man.
Is this to say you shouldn’t support the people you care about? Absolutely not! But you do need to set YOUR priorities and boundaries.
What is most important to you? In my life, my priorities look like this:
Today, I need you to sit down and make a list of your priorities. If you are currently fulfilling a job position that takes time and focus away from your other priorities and pays you nothing, you need to resign! There is no dental plan for being a people pleaser! Being the judge and jury of your friend’s decisions has no 401K. There are no vacation days. And what are the bonuses?
Ultimately it comes down to evaluating where you spend your time. If you eliminate a lot of the extra job positions and daily activities that are NOT getting you closer to your goals and dreams and start to focus on your priorities that pay out in better relationships, career advancement and progress toward your financial goals — you will find greater lifelong benefits.
Share your comments with me on Facebook and Twitter and don’t forget to “Like” this post! Put a reminder in your phone right now, to join me on Sunday night for The Dani Johnson Show at 9 pm ET/8 pm CT. Be ready to take notes and start next week off on the right foot.
In great faith,
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With the first day of spring just over a week away, this is a great time to not only do some spring cleaning, but you can also SAVE a lot of money and even MAKE money in the process!
There is no way you can get to where you truly want to go if you have all the problems of the world falling on your shoulders.
I know “budget” may seem like a dirty word. But if you stick to it, trim the fat and exercise self-control, you WILL reap the benefits!