How Can Your Grocery Cart Take You On Vacation?
Have you ever considered that your dreams can be found in your shopping cart?
There was a time when God was as much a part of our schools as reading and writing was. But in today’s world, it seems that God is nowhere to be found in schools or public arenas. As Mike Huckabee stated on Fox News, "For 50 years, we have systematically attempted to have God removed from our schools and public activities, but then at the moment we have a calamity, we wonder where He was." Tune in to The Dani Johnson Show as Dani discusses the effects of a society without God.
Have you ever considered that your dreams can be found in your shopping cart?
If you’ve watched the news or been on Facebook any time in the past week, you have heard of the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy. Can you imagine going a […]
Imagine shopping in a completely different way – shopping to drop…to drop those extra pounds you’ve been trying to lose!