Leading Troubled People, Through Troubled Times: LIVE In San Antonio!
In this LIVE Spiritual Equipping In The Marketplace, you will discover powerful leadership strategies to allow you to RELEASE those burdens and step into profound LEADERSHIP!
Throughout the Bible, there are countless examples of good leaders and horrible ones. We are actually given a clear, step-by-step guide that shows us exactly how to be an effective and honorable leader with straightforward instructions on how to grow and become even more profitable in the marketplace. Watch Dani Johnson’s LIVE Spiritual Equipping in the Marketplace!
In this LIVE Spiritual Equipping In The Marketplace, you will discover powerful leadership strategies to allow you to RELEASE those burdens and step into profound LEADERSHIP!
Tune in for this illuminating Spiritual Equipping episode of The Dani Johnson Show and discover what the words coming out of your mouth ACTUALLY reveal about you!
Tune in for this Spiritual Equipping episode of The Dani Johnson Show, as Dani shines a spotlight on how YOU can apply biblical strategies in your personal – and professional – life TODAY!