“I Love You Because You’re YOU!” ~ God
Sometimes, God speaks to us through events other times through people…His word will come to you through MANY sources. And, in this case, God speaks through a children’s book, to remind us of His enduring LOVE!
For some people, the holidays are a joyous occasion. But for others this time of year is very painful, stressful or just plain tiring. It’s likely you’re planning on spending today or this weekend with your family.
Let’s be honest, they might be your blood but that doesn’t mean you have anything in common! Often hurt from past actions, personality conflicts and the inevitable bickering can plague even the most joyous reunions.
You might encounter a slew of characters such as: “The One-Upper,” “The Gossip,” “The Reminder of Failures Past,” “The Joker” (at your expense), “The Arguer,” “The Sulker” and “The Non-Helpers” who sit around while you do all the work — and probably tell you how you’re “doing it wrong!”
Some of these people are most probably family members you love! But that doesn’t mean they won’t add unneeded stress to your holidays.
This morning, before all the craziness starts, take a moment to read over these strategies for dealing with the awesome people you love to be around, the family kooks and everyone in between.
When your heart is full of gratitude, it opens up your “vault” for a bounty of blessings. You can choose to be the over-stressed family member who is annoyed or offended by everything! Or you can choose to be the agent of peace, focused on blessing your loved ones and spending time together.
Tell me below about what you’re grateful for and share some of your holiday “coping mechanisms” with our community! While you’re there, don’t forget to “Like” and “Share” today’s post, too!
Have your fill and fun this weekend. Sleep in, rest, eat and enjoy your family! We’ll be here Sunday night to help you shake off the holiday daze, so join us for The Dani Johnson Show at 9 pm ET/8 pm CT
In great faith,
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Sometimes, God speaks to us through events other times through people…His word will come to you through MANY sources. And, in this case, God speaks through a children’s book, to remind us of His enduring LOVE!
“Little things” can make a HUGE difference in the level of success you achieve…little things like the words you use – and when you use them. You see, even the most simple of phrases can lead to really BIG things!
I’m actually sharing one of my family’s favorite recipes today…created from fruit most folks would just throw away. Proof you CAN create AMAZING dishes, simply by using what’s in front of you!