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Peace On Earth & Goodwill To All

Right now carols of peace, along with songs of cheer, ring through every place you may visit (and even while holding on the phone). When you look at the world […]

Right now carols of peace, along with songs of cheer, ring through every place you may visit (and even while holding on the phone). When you look at the world around you it’s easier to ignore reality and allow yourself to just be numbed by the spirit of the holidays.

However, I would suggest on this day (and tomorrow) instead we pray for a brighter tomorrow in our world, letting the dream of a more hopeful future wash over us in a wave of goodwill. Let us pledge to become agents for change in our world, all the while taking just a few moments on this holiday to appreciate the many blessings we have in our lives.

I dream of you surrounded by the loved ones in your life, giving thanks for the comforts and security so many in this world can only dream of (or not even imagine!) and ask you to consider how blessed we really are, despite whatever bumps in the road we may encounter. Think about:

  • Do I have a roof over my head, food for my table and clean water to drink?
  • Do I have the love of at least one other person on earth?
  • Do I have to worry about living and raising my family in a war-torn region?
  • Has a tornado, earthquake, hurricane, typhoon or other devastating disaster struck where I live?
  • Is basic, life-saving medical care available where I live?
  • Do I have the freedom to worship as I choose, speak my opinions without fear of death or imprisonment and the opportunity to build a better life for myself & family?

If you can answer “Yes” to one or more of these questions, then your life is infinitely better than millions of others in this world! So while you may have suffered loss, experienced setbacks or faced challenges this year, this list just might allow you to gain a different perspective and find reasons to give thanks, allow a bit of joy into your heart and be touched to make a difference next year in the lives of those who couldn’t answer “Yes” to any of these questions. Share the blessings this holiday season… and all year long!

Please don’t forget to join me tomorrow evening on Christmas Day for the Spiritual Equipping Broadcast at 8 pm ET/7 pm CT as I share a message of peace, hope and joy. So tune in via TV, radio, live stream on your computer or even your smartphone!


In great faith,


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