Is Living “The Norm” Leaving You Broke?
It shocked me that the majority of Americans look at debt as “just a part of life.” Not so long ago, being in debt was a shameful thing! Men would do whatever it took to stay out of debt.
Have you ever been let down? If you’re human and you interact with people at all, chances are it’s happened to you.
And it can really be heartbreaking when others disappoint you, right? Sometimes it is literally heartbreaking and you end up crying or typing furiously updating your social media status about how you’ve just had it with people! “ARRGH, people just make me sick today!”
It’s true… people will always let you down. They disappoint us. They make totally selfish decisions sometimes and they just don’t always live up to your standards. Guess what? It’s because they aren’t living by your standards!
Whether you realize it or not, every person is different. They each have their own motivations, values and goals. And nobody (that’s right, including you!) is perfect. People are allowed to make their own mistakes!
Today I want to encourage you not to take offense when others act selfishly. Even if it hurts you, chances are it was NOT the conscious intention of the other person to do so. They operate by their motives, not yours, and you can’t control that.
Sometimes we create these images of family and friends as awesome and perfect people and then when they inevitably make even a little misstep, we are always let down. You might not understand their values, but it doesn’t mean they’re purposely trying to let you down.
Here are two tips to help when it feels like everyone is just out to get you:
Sometimes we tend to give a Level-10 reaction to a Level-2 offense. I do it and if you think about it, maybe you have too. Or worse, we can get hurt by the “10” reaction, when it usually has nothing to do with us!
Today, just realize that nobody else lives up to your standards and values, so don’t worry about it! You can’t control them. Just worry about what you can control – your own actions and decisions. However, be sure to apply the grace necessary to let yourself mess up a little, as well.
Please share this message! Get the word out that we really are all in this together. Please leave your comments for me, as I’d love to hear from you, too.
Don’t forget to join me this Sunday night for The Dani Johnson Show at 9pm ET/8pm CT. I can’t wait to talk to you then!
In great faith,
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It shocked me that the majority of Americans look at debt as “just a part of life.” Not so long ago, being in debt was a shameful thing! Men would do whatever it took to stay out of debt.
“I’ve heard so many stories of people going to extraordinary lengths to overcome excuses & circumstances ….with the biggest obstacle being themselves! So, today I’m asking: ‘Do YOU stand in your own way?!'”
Our team does one simple thing to begin each day…it doesn’t take long – 10 minutes max – and it sets the tone for the rest of our day. It reinforces our priorities, while bringing unity to our team like nothing else can!