A Vision Of Faith Always Yields Results
God is the same today as He was yesterday and His provision for the faithful never ceases.
I’m writing to you from somewhere in the North Sea. Something really interesting happened today, and I have to share it with you.
At dinner the first night on the ship, we met the wait staff we will be seeing for the next 11 days. Two hours later, the kids and I were playing cards in the middle of a common area, and we happened to see one of the staff there.
He remembered our names right away! We’d had a two-minute conversation two hours earlier, but he remembered and called me by my name.
How does it make you feel when people remember your name? It makes you feel honored, doesn’t it?
Obviously, whoever owns this vessel has made it a point to make sure their staff knows the names of the people on this ship. They know the names of the people who are providing jobs for them. Did you catch that? Without the customer, there is no job!
I also noticed this a few weeks ago when Hans and I were in Turkey and Greece. We were on that vessel for 2 weeks, and there were several staff members who knew our names within a day. Every single time we passed by any of them, they called us by our first names.
Use that today in your career! Learn people’s names! Memorize their names and use them! Even when you are on the phone with a customer service representative or booking a plane ticket, write down the person’s name.
That’s important on so many levels. It makes the person feel like they’re making a new friend over the phone. When you make a friend on the phone, you may get better service. And why? Because you made them feel special and important.
This has happened to so many of my clients who have used the techniques we teach in Unlimited Success. In fact, several of them have actually gotten free services and huge discounts by using the strategies they learned there.
One of those very simple strategies includes remembering people’s names. Every time you encounter another human being, memorize their name!
You may be thinking right now, "But Dani, I’m TERRIBLE with names! I’m not good at remembering names."
It’s because you’re thinking too much about yourself. You’re thinking too much about your interests instead of being genuinely interested in the other person. So whether it’s a customer or a stranger at the grocery store, it’s important to practice remembering people’s names.
To help you remember, have them say their name twice. Ask them to spell it for you, or ask if they were named after someone. If you get them to talk about their name, you will remember it! You’ll find something that sticks in your brain to help you remember.
If you deliberately use people’s names, you’re going to receive elite service from other people. You’re going to make people feel special and important, and they are going to remember you — all because you remembered their name.
People LOVE to hear their own names. They feel a special kinship when someone else knows their name. It honors and lifts their spirit. It makes them feel set apart from everyone else. And it causes them to think differently about you. This is the law of reaping and sowing.
It’s something we have used in business, as well as our casual, everyday life. I encourage you to use that strategy today!
This is such a powerful, simple tool that can really impact you, your friends, family and co-workers! Share this message with them today!
I’ll talk to you this Sunday night on The Dani Johnson Show! Tune in on your radio or TV, and start your week off right!
Watch for another message tomorrow from somewhere else in the world!
In great faith,
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God is the same today as He was yesterday and His provision for the faithful never ceases.
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