An Investment That Can Help – Or Hurt – You
I’m sure you’ve heard the term, “time is money.” There is a common belief that in order to be successful, you have to sacrifice your lifestyle for hours and hours of grueling work.
I’ve been studying people for more than two decades. Not just people watching, but actually studying why people do the things they do. I’ve studied what they like, what they don’t like, what makes them tick. And I have watched something very interesting happen within our society.
Despite all the modern "conveniences" and labor-saving tools available, stress literally consumes most people today! In fact, 77% of Americans report they regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress, according to the American Psychological Association. That’s almost 8 out of every 10 people who experience fatigue, headaches, upset stomachs, muscle tension, changes in appetite, and change in their sex drive. Not to mention the accompanying psychological symptoms of irritability, anger, nervousness, and a general lack of energy.
This is TERRIBLE! And certainly that is no way to live your life! Stress is an epidemic that affects people of all ages and in all walks of life, and it affects every aspect of life – physical, mental, emotional, financial, relationships, work, family.
Our culture tells us seeking help for such stress-related problems is a sign of weakness… something to be ashamed of. Instead, we are encouraged to fill these voids in other ways – shopping, TV, food, alcohol, sex, excessive spending, whatever makes us feel good.
But I’m here to tell you, running away from stress does NOT make it go away! Pretending everything is okay will not fix a thing! In fact, it actually causes more stress.
There is one way to relieve stress I’ve found that is a very powerful, yet usually overlooked! I use this solution in my own life, and I encourage everyone I know, from my personal friends and family to all of our clients, to use it. And it’s so obvious, you’ll never guess what it is…
So, I have a simple question for you today. When is the last time you had fun? Not this, "But Dani, organizing my garage IS fun!" or "Taking a walk by myself is fun!" I mean REAL fun! When is the last time you laughed so hard, you cried? Or the last time your face literally hurt from smiling so big? When is the last time you felt total joy?
My favorite book in the entire world (the Bible) says, "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones." Isn’t that so true? Laughter really is the best medicine!
Actually, research proves laughter relaxes the body, boosts the immune system, releases endorphins, and improves blood flow. Not only that, but your body releases endorphins every time you smile, which sends a message of confidence and satisfaction to your brain.
The truth is, sometimes all you really need is to have some fun! Especially when you’re going through a hard time (like we are right now), it’s so important to give yourself permission to have fun. It’s okay to have fun when times are hard. In fact, it’s more than okay – it’s NECESSARY.
When I feel myself slipping into a "funk" I stop and think, "When is the last time you had some fun?" And I usually find it’s time to schedule some fun. And right now, “virtual fun” is so important. Whether it’s a family conference call or Zoom meeting, a game night with your family at home, or a spontaneous virtual movie night with friends and loved ones across the country, fun is a secret stress buster. In fact, I make sure to actually set an appointment in my calendar for fun.
Today I’ve given you one simple, effective strategy proven to kill stress! Now it’s up to you to use that strategy. So come on, it’s FUN!
I want you to take just a minute right now to think about who you know who really needs to have more fun in life. Who do you know who always seems overwhelmed, or who is always looking for a way to cope with their stress? Go ahead and share this message with them right now! This one simple strategy will encourage, motivate, and inspire those who receive it, and it will be because you were generous enough to share it.
In great faith,
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I’m sure you’ve heard the term, “time is money.” There is a common belief that in order to be successful, you have to sacrifice your lifestyle for hours and hours of grueling work.
Think back to your first job. What’s the first thing you ever did to earn your own money? Well, TODAY we’re spotlighting a NEW generation of “movers and shakers” who have a LOT to teach us grown-ups about business!
What makes a real man? Are there specific characteristics that define a man?