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You Are Who You Believe You Are

Now that you’ve likely overindulged on a variety of chocolate and candy, what better time to talk this morning about your personal self-image. You might be one of those people […]

Now that you’ve likely overindulged on a variety of chocolate and candy, what better time to talk this morning about your personal self-image.

You might be one of those people who doesn’t put much stock in your self-image. Or you could be the type of person who pays waaaay too much attention to it.

And, if you’re also a parent, how much energy have you put into that whole self-image message for your kids? It’s likely you’ve told your children or budding teenagers that it’s “what’s inside” that counts most. You have probably explained to them that Barbie is fake and models are unrealistic, air-brushed creations.

However, something you might have overlooked, is that your children will inherit and learn their attitudes about body issues, how to addresses self esteem problems and building their self-image from YOU!

Everyone has a different body type, but if you aren’t happy with the skin you’re in – how do you expect your kids to buy your “beauty is on the inside” speeches?

I realize a lot of these issues pass from mother to daughter. But trust me, sons deal with self-image issues as well! Because no one is teaching them how to embrace their uniqueness, their personal gifting and “specialness!”

So here are a few things you can start doing today to up the self esteem levels for both YOU and your kids:

  1. If you are a stay-at-home parent or work from home, maybe you’ve become a little too comfortable in your sweat pants around the house. It seems like a lot of effort for nothing – but a couple days a week it really is important to put on a cute outfit and put on your best face, so to speak. When we feel our best, we act with our best. We’re more confident.
  2. Ditch the downer remarks. Stop comments like “Ugh, I am too fat” or “I wish I was taller” in your household. What we speak, we believe. Focus on your good traits and speak life into your self-image! If you catch your child obsessing over little imperfections, first look at whose behavior they might be modeling and then suggest he or she learn to also focus on speaking and believing in their positive traits.
  3. Prevent your kids from becoming all caught up in certain clothing or fad styles. This is not only a good route to promote a healthy self-image, it can also teach your kids about budgeting. Make them work for the things they really care about and explain to them why a lot of what society tries to “sell” us isn’t truly important.

From bullying, peer pressure, pressures from home and school, hormones — your kids are going through a lot. And what they learn now from you (or from OTHERS) will have a big effect on their future. The current school system and economy has set your kids up to fail!

Today, let’s agree to not let our kids become part of those statistics. Use today’s message to start a change in your home and in your own self-image! Make sure to leave me your comments and to “Like” and share this post.

Join me this Sunday night for The Dani Johnson Show at 9 pm ET/ 8 pm CT!


In great faith,


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