Belize Update From King’s Ransom Foundation
A recent update from the King’s Ransom Foundation which supports orphans in Belize as well as many other organizations around the world.
I’m about to share a huge secret with you today. Did you realize most people honestly believe that the means to real financial independence is through a higher salary? How about you?
Are you working for someone else in a 9 to 5 treadmill, just trying to continue up the corporate ladder to a point where you can finally “get ahead” financially? Or, are you chasing the great “American Dream” of starting your own business on the side maybe to follow your passion, or as a way to generate extra income or just to be able to jump off that 9 to 5 treadmill?
Trust me, working full-time and starting your own business is a recipe for disaster as you work ’round the clock and only see slow, tiny steps forward on the path to increase your wealth!
Well, here’s the secret… very few millionaires make their money from a salary! And you can bet those CEOs at the top of the corporate food chain make tremendous sacrifices of their time and in their relationships to earn that 7-figure salary.
So, you’ve got to be asking yourself, “Where are all these millionaires getting this money if not from big-name jobs and salaries?” This is about so much more than making money, this is about creating genuine wealth. If Hans and I stopped working today, we would still have a steady money flow for years to come. Why? Because we have multiple streams of passive income!
Now, you might think that investing is too risky. And it’s never too soon or too late to start… my 15-year-old son just purchased a house this summer, as an investment. And he figured this out all by himself with his own money he had earned!
In my house, we aren’t in the business of giving our kids a free ride or life handed to them on a silver platter. And yes, you can sit there and just assume I’m lying (like many on our Facebook page did at the time).
But, I am so proud that my son has accomplished something most adults will never do. So, you’ve got to ask yourself, “If a 15-year-old can find the means to start investing, then what’s holding me back?” Or you could say, “Hey, I wonder how he did that?” If he could do it, then you most certainly can! Look into it yourself! You might learn a few things — starting right here:
Increasing your bottom line is simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. It requires an investment from you! That investment could be your time, your training or your skill sets.
What will be your first investment today? Let me know and don’t forget to “Like” and “Share” today’s post on Facebook or Twitter.
In great faith,
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A recent update from the King’s Ransom Foundation which supports orphans in Belize as well as many other organizations around the world.
Stress is a choice…YOUR choice! Pretending everything is okay will not fix anything and actually causes more stress. So, you can stay stressed-out or you can find practical solutions. Which will YOU choose?
This time of year comes with pitfalls…the shopping, parties, financial pressures, family issues and general “busy-ness” of the season form the perfect recipe for stress, but YOU can learn to avoid those pitfalls!