There is nothing worse than stress. And yet, in our current world, it seems unavoidable. How can we deal with all the demands life throws our direction? How do we keep our peace when everything around us is falling apart?
In a recent report, 69% of employees note their work as a significant source of stress and 41% say they typically feel tense or stressed out during the workday. But, an even higher number – 75% of Americans, report feeling increasingly greater pressure over money and providing for their family’s needs.
Typical coping mechanisms include: shopping, overeating, watching TV, focusing on making money, sex, drugs and other addictions. These are all forms of running away from stress and they DON’T WORK.
Decrease miscommunications, decrease stress
One of the biggest forms of stress comes from miscommunications and relationships. A lot of people think they’re good with people, yet still find themselves burdened by conflicts with others! What if you could get inside the head to decode the core personality of every person around you? Imagine not only understanding them, but better navigating life with them!
I want you to identify the #1 stressor in your life today. What is that one thing in your life causing you ENORMOUS stress? Is it your job, a relationship, constant miscommunications? Write it down.
When something is causing you stress, usually it is due to one or maybe more of the following factors:
- Lack of skill: Maybe you lack the skill set of time management, conflict-resolution or could use a technical skill set to make work less difficult. Look at that big stressor in your life and ask yourself, “What skill set am I missing?”
- Self-imposed pressure: The expectation of perfection causes pressure and stress. It is pride and ego that strives for perfection and it will keep you broke, unable to let others help you and lead to burnout.
- Compound stress: Little stressors add up over time – make sure you at least take 1 day off a week. And when I say take a day off, I mean no work e-mails or business conversations. You need rest, not Redbull!
- Lack of action: Procrastination, not making decisions or simply not putting a plan into play, spells more S-T-R-E-S-S. The only thing to kill procrastination is ACTION. If you’re wasting time being indecisive, you’re doing yourself more harm and stress than if you just chose to do SOMETHING!
- Harboring unforgiveness: Holding on to your past will keep you stuck, in pain and in stress. Forgiving and moving forward might seem impossible, but it the biggest stress reliever you will ever find.
Once you’ve isolated what is causing YOU stress, identify how you are going to remove that stress. You don’t need it!
What is your biggest stress and how have you been coping? Tell me about it in the comments and while you’re there, Like and Share today’s message with your friends and family.
Join us this afternoon at 12 pm ET/11 am CT on The Dani Johnson Show. You can find the show on your radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right on our website. I’m looking forward to sharing this time with you!
In great faith,
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