Are You Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is?
Do you wish you could pay off debt, wish you could afford that romantic getaway with your sweetie, travel more or help feed orphans? Maybe you just want to put money aside for your child’s education.
In case you forgot, Valentine’s Day is this week. If you have a spouse or loved one, chances are you’re planning to celebrate in style. In fact the National Retail Federation projects 60% of Americans will be participating somehow.
I’m hoping today’s message helps you, if you struggle with how to show that special someone you care. And even if you already made plans or didn’t plan to celebrate at all, there is a very basic way to show appreciation and love on a daily basis!
Consumers are expected to spend $18.6 billion on cards and gifts this year, which equals about $130 per person on average. And, if you’re like a lot of people, that amount wasn’t even in the budget! But that’s okay. I’m here to bring on the good news.
Valentine’s Day should be about expressing love, honor and adoration for someone. But you can do all of that – without breaking the bank.
In fact, Forbes has reported 82% of people are more interested in a Valentine’s Day experience rather than a gift. Unless you’re planning to propose on that card or write your life’s story, chances are it will be in the trash next week. The stuffed animals and cutesy Valentine’s Day themed gifts will gather dust on a shelf. The candy is just a bunch of sugar no one needs. Let’s be honest, most Valentine’s Day “gifts” are just STUFF that nobody needs.
Don’t stress about finding the perfect gift, create the perfect experience. What if you cooked your loved one a homemade, romantic dinner? Gave them the night off from cleaning or taking care of the kids? Watched a favorite movie and took a walk?
The best Valentine’s Day gift you can give is making someone feel special and important. Those two very basic things EVERYONE desires. The best part is, it doesn’t matter your relationship status or if it’s a spouse, child, coworker or client – this will always be the best gift you can give to anyone.
I’ve spent the past 2 decades studying people and those basic needs and desires are totally universal. And once you understand the secret to what all people truly want, it becomes very easy to show your love in a way that is actually effective. I promise it says more than a card and a stuffed singing pink gorilla.
So what are your plans this holiday? Do you have a big “experience” planned? Let me know by leaving your comments for me below and don’t forget to Like and Share this post.
Join us this Wednesday night for The Spiritual Equipping Show with Dani Johnson at 8 pm ET/7 pm CT. Let’s get together and refuel for the rest this week has to offer!
In great faith,
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Do you wish you could pay off debt, wish you could afford that romantic getaway with your sweetie, travel more or help feed orphans? Maybe you just want to put money aside for your child’s education.
Our world is so hostile and so full of drama queens, kings, hotheads and people who lose it in times of crisis. The problem is, overreacting is unproductive.
I’m going to do something I rarely do – I’ve only done this once before…EVER! I’m going to give you an all-time favorite recipe around my house. It’s so simple, ANYONE can do it. Even YOU!