What Are Your Standards Of Beauty?
Have you ever noticed most people work a lot harder on their outside looks than they do on their heart. When people talk about beauty, what comes into your mind?
I want to take a brief moment to just say “THANK YOU!” Seriously, if you are reading this, it means you are a part of a community that motivates me every single day. It motivates ME every time I hear your stories.
Not just your stories of success, but even the giant obstacles some have overcome just to make it to our live events. Thank God you are not ruled by the circumstances in your life or your own excuses!
Or maybe you are the type of person who has let your current circumstances get the best of you. Trust me, I’ve been there too! But I want to share a few of my favorite stories with you about how others have overcome big, huge, enormous problems… and are better off for it!
If you want something in life you just need to find someone who has what you want and do what they did to get it. In the same way, if you have an obstacle in your life, find someone who experienced the same issue and found a way around it. Then you just do what they did!
One married couple in our community, Amber and William Morris had to overcome huge obstacles to attend their first event. On the way to the airport their flight was canceled and the next flight wouldn’t arrive until after the first day of the event was already over! Most people would’ve used it as an excuse to not go. But, they decided to drive 14 hours from Houston, TX to St. Louis, MO. They arrived at 5 am Saturday morning.
“Don’t make excuses, decide to make it happen and do it! You won’t regret it, we would do it again!” (Amber Morris) Now, a year later they have paid off $40K in debt! Amber increased her sales by 42% – almost double! William was promoted and received a 16% raise at work.
Another member of our Facebook community, Alethea Robertson, shared that her family sold their truck, took out a loan from their 401K and sold everything in their house just to attend their first event. Three weeks later they made over $10K in their business. Two weeks after that they had doubled that and are now paying off their debt faster than ever.
One of my favorite stories is Julie Berry, who was scared to ask her husband for the money to attend an event. But to her surprise he said yes! He said something just told him to do it. After that, Julie had to talk to over 60 people to get her work shifts covered. But the worst obstacle of all was the friend who had inspired her to go in the first place passed away just a few weeks away from the event.
Through it all Julie overcame tragedy, fear and excuses and made it! Since then her and her husband are more in love than ever, they’ve paid off over $35K in debt and found a whole new set of priorities!
I’ve heard multiple stories of people who have shared rooms with people they’d never met before, lived off apples and meal bars for days just to afford to go! “I had to overcome my own objections that I could not afford it. Once I made it a priority, and the first event I honestly participated in seeking to get a break in my life, I found the money.” (Dawn Hill)
Sometimes the biggest obstacle really is yourself! Are you standing in your own way? I hope the stories I shared with you today help motivate you to push past your tragedies, financial struggles and excuses to find success.
Being a part of this community is truly one of the greatest honors I’ve ever had in life! I can’t wait to hear more of your stories, your obstacles and how you are battling through it all. Leave me your comments below and stories and don’t forget to Like or Share today’s message.
Plug in this afternoon for The Dani Johnson Show at 12 pm ET/11 am ET. We meet every weekday, so there is no excuse!
In great faith,
Have you ever noticed most people work a lot harder on their outside looks than they do on their heart. When people talk about beauty, what comes into your mind?
We’ve discussed the physical “FEEL” of debt: Draining. Suffocating. Humiliating. Exhausting. Shameful. Paralyzing. Hopeless. BURIED ALIVE…and today, we’re handing you that “shovel” you so desperately need!
Imagine a global trend of saying “NO!” to all of the February marketing nonsense and instead, starting a movement to serve others with encouraging words, by giving of our time & expressing love for those in need!