3 Surefire Tips To Turn Defeat Into Victory
Have you ever made a mistake, failed miserably, fallen flat on your face or experienced all-in-all a major loss? Maybe this whole year was just an overall major failure for […]
We’re just one day out from Thanksgiving and I want to take a moment to say Happy Thanksgiving from your DaniJohnson.com family! I pray abundant blessings on you and yours this holiday, whether you are spending it quietly with only a few people, or surrounded by a huge family.
I recently learned something really profound that just had to be shared today. It is very simple, yet it has changed the way I think and the way I pray. It has built my faith tremendously and has helped me through some really hard situations.
In the first summary of Jesus’ conception and birth, it says, “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a son, and they shall call His name Immanuel, which translated means, God with us.” (Matthew 1:23)
I’m sure you’ve heard that before – probably several times. But what does that mean to you? What does that mean for your job, your business, your family, your finances, your community?
Think about it! He is “God with US!” That means you and me. He is here with us. He is not somewhere far away – He is HERE!
When I came into the understanding of what this really means, it changed the way I prayed. I am a woman of faith, but this gave me a whole new, higher, level of faith.
See, when you say, “God, please be with my children,” or “God, please be with me and help me in this meeting with my boss today,” it’s almost as if you wonder if He really is going to do it. Sometimes it sounds like you don’t have the faith to believe in His willingness to do what you ask Him to do. But when you say, “God, thank you for being with my children! Thank you for being with me in my meeting today!” you acknowledge He is already there! You acknowledge He IS Immanuel, God with us.
When you really know God is already with you, you are then free from pressure, stress and anxiety. You don’t have to worry… because He is already with your family, your business, your job, your health and your finances. And He is with your future clients, your future relationships, your future staff, your future boss.
He already knows the answers to your questions. He is already in the midst of every problem you are facing right this very moment, and He has the ability to fix those problems. He is already there in your busy schedule. He is in the midst of the secret sin you are dealing with. He is right in the middle of your dreams and goals – even the ones that seem so big, so unattainable. He was with you yesterday and a week ago and 10 years ago.
He’ll be with you tonight, tomorrow, next month, and every moment for the rest of your life. He is already with you, and He makes a way where there is no way. That’s just who He is!
Whatever you are facing right now, begin to thank Him for being with you! Thank Him for being with you in your trials and your hard times, as well as in your happy and successful times. Thank Him for being with your family and friends, your clients and coworkers. Whatever you and I face today and in the coming weeks and years, He is with us. You are never alone, because He is Immanuel, God with us.
Hopefully this encouraged you and boosted your faith this morning. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below and remember to Like and Share today’s message to spread the word of encouragement: He is with US!
I will be around twice today to share a special spiritual message on The Dani Johnson Show at 12 pm ET and again at 7 pm ET. You can tune into the show on either your TV or radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right on our website.
In great faith,
Have you ever made a mistake, failed miserably, fallen flat on your face or experienced all-in-all a major loss? Maybe this whole year was just an overall major failure for […]
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