10-Minute Tip: Addressing The Controversy Of God’s Will
Many people talk about God’s will in terms of do or don’t, but in this video I want to address what it looks like to practically apply His will every day.
Have you ever found yourself backed into a corner cowering in fear because of intimidation? Have you ever acted in a way that you normally wouldn’t because you were worried about how someone else would treat you? It’s time to beat that NASTY, STINKING, DISGUSTING spirit of intimidation right now! In this video I show you step by step how to beat intimidation and live FREE.
Many people talk about God’s will in terms of do or don’t, but in this video I want to address what it looks like to practically apply His will every day.
Watch this clip from The Dani Johnson Show where she exposes the role debt plays in marriage and how to avoid major marital issues caused by debt.
Some people want to go with the crowd while others forge out their own path. Listen to this young man share how he has funded his own way to learning new skills to become an entrepreneur. If a kid can do it, what’s your excuse?