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3 Steps To Mend Any Break

Think about the last time you ran into a huge life problem. What steps did you take to fix it?

Moses parted the Red Sea. Peter healed a man born lame. Jesus walked on water during a raging storm and even raised the dead. The Bible has incredible stories of miracles and divine interventions, but what do you think of those miracles now that you’re an adult?

Have you ever wondered why those type of miracles aren’t happening in the world today? Some people think of these miracles as nothing more than parables, but what if I told you those huge epic miracles are still occurring in the world today? And they could be occurring in your life… if you let them!

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) God’s character is never-changing. The Bible tells us God is the same today as he was yesterday. And he will be the same tomorrow! That means those miracles performed thousands of years ago, were performed by the same God you are building a relationship with today.

Think about the last time you ran into a huge life problem. A lot of people scramble to fix it themselves or just struggle to make sense of the situation!

In times of crisis, people often forget their faith, or even place blame on that same faith! You forget, the God who turned water into wine is the same God who can move mountains in your life.

The righteous cry, and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (Psalms 34:16-18 )

I’ve noticed, when I run into trouble I try to think of any way to fix it. But in the end, it never gets solved until you turn it over to God. Which leads to a few important takeaways from today’s message.

  1. Surrender: If you are struggling right now, it might be time to surrender. Whatever kind of hurt it is, let God have it already! Stop trying to slap a Band-Aid on it or do it yourself.
  2. Focus: Our world is hostile and we constantly fill our minds with what is going wrong in the world… as opposed to the miracles still occurring around us. Put your focus on the good.
  3. Sow: If you want a stronger faith, a deeper walk with Christ, you have to sow into that. And nourish those seeds to see your spiritual life start bearing amazing fruit.

I’m sure you can think of a time you struggled in life, even argued with God. And what happened when you just surrendered and let God handle it?

Tell me about a time in your life where you surrendered and God worked miracles. Share your stories in the comments, so other people can read it and feed their faith, as well. And don’t forget to Like and Share so you can pass on this message of encouragement.

If you are seeking greater spiritual health, prayer or just want to spend time with this awesome, encouraging community, join us later today for The Dani Johnson Show at 12 pm ET or 7 pm CT. Tune into the show on either your TV or radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right on our website.

In great faith,

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