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Find A Strategy That Fits “Just Right”

It's easy to say, "Don't quit," right? So I'm going to give you a few pieces of real, tangible advice to help you stay motivated to work toward whatever goal or project you are working toward.

Have you ever dressed for an important date, interview or party and something just doesn’t look right? I know you men do this, too!

You try on every tie, every pair of shoes or maybe swap outfits entirely to make sure you look your best. This outfit just “works” for you, it accentuates all the right parts, the colors bring out your eyes, whatever reason. When it’s something you truly care about, you put the time and effort into exhausting every option to find the very best one.

I want you to take that frustration and apply it to your business. Because what is the first thing you, or those around you usually do, when something just isn’t working right? THEY TOTALLY GIVE UP!

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So wait. You are willing to exhaust every outfit option in your closet, but you would not take them same mindset into your business? Come on!

I know some of you who have tried every diet, every hair conditioner or every food processor out there – looking for one that works just right – but when you hit the first obstacle in your business it’s like, “Oh, this isn’t working. I guess it’s just not meant to be.” Or you try one or two before totally throwing in the towel on a project.

Walt Disney has this famous quote that goes, “The difference between winning and losing is most often… not quitting.”

I know it’s frustrating when something doesn’t work. But the quitters are the people who run into a roadblock and say, “Oops, oh well.” The people who are constantly achieving bigger and greater things, digging under, climbing up or walking around that roadblock.

It’s easy to say, “Don’t quit,” right? So I’m going to give you a few pieces of real tangible advice to help you stay motivated to work toward whatever goal or project you are working toward.

  • Exhaust every option: If you can try on every jacket and pair of shoes before you leave the house, you can certainly try a different tactic or approach.
  • Keep your goal in front of you: Whether it’s pinned on your calendar, some reminder on your desk, taped to your bathroom mirror or a photo on your cell phone background, remind yourself what your goal is and why you want it.
  • Add to your skill sets: You might be experiencing frustrations because of a specific skill you are missing. Keep learning, adjusting and working on yourself to navigate your way around other obstacles.

And the thing is, even if something was working before – it might stop working! And that’s okay, too. That’s why you want to keep learning and adding to your own skills.

If you’re living in fear of failure, frustrated, don’t let it control you. Leave me your comments below on how you stay motivated and let’s pass this message around to help encourage others. Hit Like and Share on today’s message for them.

If you’re looking for more tips, strategies and lessons join us on The Dani Johnson Show at 12 pm ET/11 am CT and be ready to take notes! You can find the show on your TV and radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right on our website.

In great faith,

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Your Journey To Freedom Starts Here

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