Bust This Time Thief
A simple exercise in efficiency and focus and give you hours back each day.
You’ve probably heard before, “communication is key.” And, it’s true. Effective communication is absolutely essential to every relationship in your life, whether it’s at work, in the community or within your family. Today, let’s focus on just one of these areas: Communication in the workplace.
If you work with people, there’s a good chance you have experienced both good and bad communication. The benefits of great communication are endless. Good, clear and honoring communication allows you to get more done in less time and helps to cultivate a culture of respect.
On the other hand, a lack of (or poor) communication leads to stress, frustration, misunderstandings, dishonor, plus it impacts the company bottom line.
I want to point out a few different aspects of communication often forgotten or in need of some improvement. While you read this today, don’t think, “Oh, I never have that problem” or “I’m a great communicator!” You may be a great communicator. But there is always room for improvement. As your communication skills increase, so will your income. So look for ways you can improve your communication today.
Communication is one of the most important skills you use every single day. When you have poor communication skills, your success is severely limited. However, when you focus on constantly improving your communication skills, your success will continue to grow.
So today, I want you to figure out where you can improve your skills. If today’s message highlighted any areas you feel could use some work, then don’t wait. You can start working on those things immediately. Remember, what you focus on, you get good at. Wherever you focus intensely, you will see results. So, if you see your communication skills lacking, get the tools here to focus on improving them and you will see results!
I hope this has helped you! If it has, would you mind passing it along to your friends, family and coworkers? Share this post on Facebook and Twitter!
In great faith,
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A simple exercise in efficiency and focus and give you hours back each day.
Think about a time you worried about money, rent, bills or groceries. But if you REALLY want to know why you’re in a dry season, ask the “Ultimate Provider”…because provision & security, start with your FAITH!
If you believe debt is “just part of life,” you believe a big ol’ LIE. Debt should NOT be “acceptable.” Imagine you don’t owe anybody, ANYTHING…every cent you make is 100% yours – to do whatever YOU want!