Happy Labor Day, To ALL Who “Labor!”
Let this Labor Day be a day of recognition for EVERY side of labor. Today, everyone needs to remember, if ANYBODY has ever labored for you in ANY way, this is the day to say, “Thank you!”
I’m so thrilled about what I get to share with you today! It’s a little different than what we normally discuss here, in The Daily Fix, but I believe it will be helpful for you and your family.
Instead of just writing it out for you to read, I thought it would be nice for you and I to “chat” face-to-face… or as close to face-to-face as we can!
So, check out this quick video I made just for YOU!
Please let me know what you think below and you can also share some of your own yummy concoctions! Then remember to join us today for The Dani Johnson Show, to gain more insights for your everyday life. You can find the show on your TV and radio or stream today’s show, right here on our website.
Looking to connect even MORE? Then please subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up with new messages just for you, posted daily!
In great faith,
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Let this Labor Day be a day of recognition for EVERY side of labor. Today, everyone needs to remember, if ANYBODY has ever labored for you in ANY way, this is the day to say, “Thank you!”
It doesn’t matter how old your children are, or how long you have been in a pattern of disobedience, procrastination and rebellion…it’s not too late! You have to choose – a lifetime of success or failure?
When it comes to giving God His share, we need to check our motives, doing it with a clean and obedient heart – adoration for God, not yourself – it’s NOT to show-off how great you are to God or everyone else!