Are You “Tuned In” To God’s Voice?
Today, I’m sharing a strategy that has helped me to clearly recognize God’s voice. And you don’t have to be some kind of super-duper-extra-spiritual person…you just have to be willing to listen and truly hear Him!
Can you believe how quickly this year is flying by?! It seems like just yesterday we rang in the New Year! Now, here we are, almost halfway through the year.
You and I talked a lot about setting goals back in January, both here in The Daily Fix and on our TV/radio shows. Fingers crossed, you took time to write down everything you wanted to accomplish this year. If not, don’t worry! It’s NOT too late!
You may think it’s a little odd to talk about goals and New Year’s Resolutions in JUNE. But I’ve seen too many people get off-track and then never reach their goals… and I don’t want that to be YOU! That’s why today we’re refreshing your vision, refocusing, and taking a second swing at your goals for this year.
Follow these four keys to either stay on-track… or to get your “derailed train” moving again:
Whether this message comes as encouragement to stay on the right track, a reminder to get back on track, or a much-needed wake-up call, I hope these tips help you move toward your goals!
I believe in you, and I can’t wait to hear your recap at the end of the year, where you successfully accomplished everything you set out to do this year! Make sure you tell me about your progress, so far… then I can celebrate WITH you!
Now, can you think of five people who could benefit from an extra nudge back onto the right track? It could be your friends, family, church members or coworkers. Go ahead and forward this message to them! (You can send it via email, or just post this link on Facebook and Twitter!)
Then, join me today for The Dani Johnson Show, when we discuss more tips and strategies designed to help you achieve ALL your goals! You can tune in on your TV and radio or you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.
In great faith,
P.S. Like what you read here? Just hit the “LIKE” button at the top of the page! That will help your Facebook friends find this message!
Today, I’m sharing a strategy that has helped me to clearly recognize God’s voice. And you don’t have to be some kind of super-duper-extra-spiritual person…you just have to be willing to listen and truly hear Him!
You’ve probably figured out I LOVE cooking: lasagna, cheesecake, risotto, teriyaki chicken, tacos…and I also love being able to prepare gourmet meals on a budget, so I’m sharing one of the all-time favorite recipes!
Over and over again, the Bible tells us to ask. But after you ASK, do you know how to HEAR? But, how do you know what God’s voice sounds like? This message will teach you how to recognize the voice of God in your life!