Back-To-School And Back-To-Business
During the hot and lazy days of summer, it can be easy to let things slide and become a little less “focused” on our business, financial and personal goals.
Let’s start with a question today. Exactly how does a person become a successful entrepreneur?
A lot of people think, “If I can find the right business, THEN I will be successful.” But that is such a LIE! You can simply start with a desire to do something different, to be different from the examples around you.
One philosophy out there says to follow your passion, and you will magically “find” success. But the truth is, you don’t have to love what you do. But you do have to start where you are!
For example, a client and friend of mine, a single mother of 3, had a desire to run her own business when I met her. Dina now owns a business transporting cars people buy online. Her company has been the second-most successful transportation business in the country for 8 years straight. And it has been so wild to watch her really succeed!
But think about this for a minute. Does Dina love moving cars? No! Is that what she’s passionate about? No way! But she has found ways to make it more fulfilling. Dina has applied the skills she started learning in 1996 at our training seminars and she continues to do a great job of getting to know her clients, disarming any ticked-off customers and providing excellent service. When I first met her, she made $15/hour and now earns a six-figure income!
And it all comes down to just doing something that turns a profit. Or, you can even find someone else’s profitable idea and do that. You don’t have to love it or be passionate about it. But if you start where you are, with what you have, and you work diligently and are faithful with what you currently have, you will succeed.
I have another client who has done something very similar. Housekeepers are a dime a dozen. But this woman found a way to make her service stand out from all the others. She tells her customers, “Your gutters need to be cleaned out? We’ll take care of that. Your garage needs to be organized? We’ll do it. You need your clothes taken to the cleaners? We’ve got it covered.” Whatever the customer needs, she and her employees take care of it. They even cook dinner for some clients. Her business has been enormously successful for 12 years – all from simply finding needs and filling them.
These two women did not try to find a business they were passionate about. They didn’t wait until the right opportunity fell into their laps. And now they have long-standing, successful businesses. Why? Because they found a business they could profit from and they went to work! It has certainly paid off for them.
If you are like so many others who have fallen into the trap of “looking for your passion” in order to find success – STOP! Today, follow the lead set by these two real-life examples. It doesn’t matter who you are, what your background is, how educated you are, where you live, what your passion is or what you want to do. Stop searching for your passion and start working diligently with the opportunity in front of you… and you WILL succeed.
There are so many people in your life who have fallen into the same trap. Take just a minute today to share The Daily Fix with them. So many struggle and this message could completely change their lives today, so post this link on social media and print it out to pass it around to your friends, family and coworkers! Then, let me know your thoughts about The Daily Fix today… I can’t wait to read your comments!
And please remember to join me for The Dani Johnson Show today, where we share even more of my personally-selected tips and strategies to make your journey to success quicker and easier! You can find the show on your TV and radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.
In great faith,
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During the hot and lazy days of summer, it can be easy to let things slide and become a little less “focused” on our business, financial and personal goals.
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