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Stop Waiting For A Knight In Shining Armor…Rescue YOURSELF!

The perfect opportunity probably won't just come find's not a knight in shining armor, waiting to storm the castle and save you. You have to POSITION yourself for opportunities!

How are you this morning? Let’s start the day by taking a look around and thinking about where you are today. Are you working in the job or career you want? Do you make the paycheck of your dreams?

In today’s world, you find a lot of people who are unhappy with their job, boss or current career situation. Do you ever hear them complaining and spitting negativity all over the place? Is that person you?

Here’s what frequently happens: you manage to get a new job, whether it is your dream job or you just grabbed the most convenient thing because of the crazy unemployment rates, and you were excited. A job means income, and you’ve got mouths to feed and, hopefully, dreams to fulfill. But then you start the job and within six months, you begin to dread Monday. You hate your boss. And whatever is wrong with your life would somehow be magically fixed if you just had a better job at a better company with a perfect boss and outstanding coworkers.

You already know where I am going with this. Because let’s be honest – even if you did get a new job, the likelihood is you would have exactly the same dang problems! And more than likely, the perfect opportunity will not just come find you. Perfect opportunity is not a knight in shining armor, waiting to storm the castle and save you.

You have to POSITION yourself for an opportunity. If Cinderella had never gone to the ball, would the Prince have ever scoured the countryside looking for her? No, he wouldn’t have known she existed. The best part is, you don’t need the fairy godmother! There is no magic.

It’s simple. If you want the bigger bonus check, if you’re tired of being passed up for promotions, or don’t understand why opportunity hasn’t slapped you in the face yet, you need to start working on your skills! So here are a few tips to position yourself for promotion:

  1. Ditch the negativity. If your friends and family know you don’t like your job, chances are most people know. Even your boss can tell, which could have a huge effect on your paycheck, promotions and future referrals. While you’re busy talking up your coworkers or boss to be some evil witch (or another word), you may have missed the fact you’re the dragon! And those new connections you might have built, got burned by negativity. Don’t talk negatively about your company or job. Breathe life into it, not death.
  2. Find someone who has what you want, and do what they do. Look at your coworkers who are getting promotions… what are they doing that you aren’t doing? Are they taking initiative on projects or are they being negative and surfing Facebook all day? Look at some of your habits and really evaluate whether they are helping or hurting you. Aside from negativity, you may discover some other bad habits you have. Many employers have listed their bad habit “pet peeves” as sarcasm, constant tardiness, antisocial behavior and mistaking a casual workplace as an excuse for unprofessional behavior, so watch yourself and stay far away from those habits!
  3. Prosper where you are planted. ALWAYS! Be faithful with what you are given in your current job and continue to invest in GROWTH. What extra skills or tools can you learn to help you grow? Would taking a class in social media or computer skills help increase your value at the company? Notice what your current workplace lacks and try to fill that need. I have seen this single skill get people 6-figure bonus checks. If you aren’t prospering where you are planted, your opportunities to grow or be promoted are slim-to-none. In your current job, if you aren’t expanding your network and increasing your skill sets – I can promise, your life will stay exactly the same.

And the thing is, I give you opportunities to increase your skill sets every day on our social media channel. I hand-deliver skills sets to you, to help you increase your income and live the life of your dreams! Have you been applying the strategies from our LifeMap To Success subscription in your life? Have you been pressing play on videos every day? Hundreds of thousands of people are changing their lives and seizing these opportunities every day.

We are glad to have you here as part of this incredible community of like-minded people, all on their journey to success! Make sure to invite your friends and local community in, as well – and you can start by sharing this message! And let me know how you are positioning yourself for growth on our Facebook page! Or, if you are a member of the Dani Johnson community, log into your member center and post an update for what skills you are applying today.

In great faith,

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