Persistence Never Pays Without This Vital Step
I bet you’ve heard the term, “practice makes perfect.” And indeed, repetition is the mother of skill; you and I both know you don’t become a master of something overnight!
Have you ever wondered where you could find that magical formula for happiness? It’s got to be a fantasy, right? Because everyone knows “happily ever after” doesn’t really exist… or does it?
Believe it or not, but I’m here to tell 98% of the population doesn’t realize “happily ever after” really IS achievable!
Most of these people encounter – on their quest to achieve that elusive state of happiness – is a mindset their happiness hinges on just ONE thing. Like, “If only I found my soul mate, I’d be happy forever.” And after they find their spouse, it then changes to, “If only I had my dream career, I’d find happiness.”
So, they spend their whole lives looking for the next “thing” guaranteed to make them happy. And in the process, they miss all those things in their life every day, along their path, right in front of them, that could be the true source of their joy and contentment!
In today’s world, happiness represents a far-off goal – the ultimate destination. “Happy” seems to be nothing but the carrot right in front of your nose… always remaining juuuust out of reach.
Truthfully, there are people out there who just don’t want you to be happy. In fact, a majority of people in high places would prefer you to stay stuck in your rut, dumbed-out, numbed-out and just barely getting by. Why? Because then they can sell you solutions to all your “problems.”
I’m declaring today, enough is enough! I’m here to tell you, happiness is not determined by your circumstances. It’s determined by YOU. If you’ve been around the community or interacted with our amazing clients on Facebook, you see the proof! We have countless stories of people who have restored relationships, paid-off debt, found financial independence and brought harmony to their family. These are the true causes for happiness, celebration and positive attitudes!
There’s nothing wrong with being happy, or wanting to better your life. And you can start right now, by taking these steps to increase your happiness:
Today, I want you to embrace happiness! Choose to stop living in misery, because it never got anyone, anywhere. Unhappiness keeps you stuck in debt, focused on material things and basically just dependent, overworked, overstressed and miserable!
Declare your own independence today and spread the good word: BE HAPPY! Together, we can beat the odds and make happiness the norm. Visit the Dani Johnson Facebook page and tell me what makes YOU happy and encourage everyone you know to choose happiness, by sharing this post!
Get the tools you need every day to grow your skill in finding and creating the life you want in the monthly updates of our LifeMap To Success subscription.
In great faith,
I bet you’ve heard the term, “practice makes perfect.” And indeed, repetition is the mother of skill; you and I both know you don’t become a master of something overnight!
What you focus on you will get good at. Adjust priorities, take back control of your time and live by design.
The more you and I can stay teachable and the more wisdom we gain from others who are successful, the better off we’ll BOTH be. And this, my friend, allows us sidestep regret in the future!