Build A Bridge To New Sales This Year
The formula is still simple. Do this one thing, get creative and watch for growth.
Hello and welcome to Friday Favorites! Each week, we give you a quick glance into the offices. And here’s what the crew has been up to this week:
Our last First Steps To Success of 2017 kicks off tomorrow, October 14 in Atlanta, Georgia! We can’t wait to hear all about the AMAZING results coming out of this weekend.
Also, a few of our team members are working on a super-secret project right now… and we’re bubbling over with excitement about it! We’ll have some “insider” details to share with you in the coming weeks, so stay plugged into The Daily Fix blog on our website, for some new things on the horizon.
The new Weezer single, “Weekend Woman”
This playlist, put together by Justin Lagos, our social media manager and in-office DJ.
It turns out, quite a few of us have a daily yoga routine. So, we’ve been exchanging our favorite yoga apps (Yoga Studio, MyYogaWorks and free videos on YouTube), best practice tips and funny #yogafails.
We found a CBS News article from earlier this year, reporting the fact Americans die with an average of $62,000 in debt. Data from December 2016 shows nearly three-quarters of people leave debt behind, when they die. Yikes!! One of our primary passions at is to FREE people from their debt burden. And if you are one of the millions of Americans drowning in debt, here are a few resources for you:
This free checklist of simple ways to put more money in your pocket.
This blog post handing you a formula to pay down debt fast. (Along with some other tips!)
The formula is still simple. Do this one thing, get creative and watch for growth.
Many years ago, I heard someone tell me, “If you want to be successful, then find out what everyone else is doing and do the opposite.” So let’s look at the other side of this…
It’s time to position yourself to RECEIVE, simply because you have been faithful with what you have been given. Avoid the painful correction I experienced, as one who was NOT faithful!