Think The “Success Gene” Skipped You? THINK AGAIN!
Join us for this episode of The Dani Johnson Show, as Dani interviews two of our incredible clients, who PROVE ordinary, everyday people – just like you – CAN live the life of their dreams!
Gabriel Roberti knew his wife, Alissa, was suicidal, but he was so weighed down by his own suicidal thoughts, he couldn’t even bring himself to care.
Both Gabriel and Alissa were contemplating suicide. They were weighed down by the burden of debt, a failing business and the stress from a job that kept Gabriel away 10 months out of the year.
“We moved from the West Coast to the East Coast, and I didn’t know anyone. My husband is in the military – he’s a Navy Seal – and my dad who was a single father and raised me my whole life had just been murdered. I remember scrolling through Facebook thinking about how everyone else’s life was so perfect and mine was not. I started coming up with a plan to get all my ducks in a row to make sure my family would be better off when I killed myself,” Alissa said.
At the same time, Gabriel was fighting his own suicidal thoughts. He was the top-rated Navy Seal in the world and quickly climbing through the ranks at work. But at home, his life was a different story.
“My home life was horrible. A big value in the military is ‘family first’ and I would say that, but family never came first. I was totally checked out at home. My wife and I fought constantly and our relationship was completely toxic. Deployment was a vacation. It was a break from real life. I felt like they would be better off without me. And if I was gone, I wouldn’t have to deal with anything anymore,” Gabriel said.
Alissa thought she hated her husband, but she began to realize she felt lonely and unloved. Phone calls from the road were few and far between, and they barely spoke when Gabriel was home.
“I resented him because I didn’t feel like he loved me. The success he had at work made me resent him even more because when he came home he treated me like I was nothing. I would look for ways to undercut him. When he talked to the kids I would correct him. I spoke to him like he was stupid. There was all this resentment and bitterness. I really truly believed he had no positive feelings toward me at all, and it made me hate being a mom.”
As a result, Gabriel shut down.
“I felt like no matter what I did, it was never good enough. I couldn’t do anything right, so why bother trying?” Gabriel said.
Not only was her marriage a wreck, Alissa was failing miserably in her business. Without her husband’s knowledge, she spent $25,000 from her personal retirement account on training and business gurus that did nothing to help her grow her income.
When she saw a free 30-Day Bootcamp by Dani Johnson through, she jumped on it. From that free training, Alissa made more money than all the other training she spent thousands of dollars on combined. The next time Gabriel called her, she was feeling more confident.
“She was like I’m going to make a ton of money with this business. I came home and she’s listening to this chick. I would lose my mind listening to that training,” Gabriel said.
Despite her husband’s skepticism, Alissa knew she had found a system that got the results she was after, so she signed up for First Steps To Success, a three-day LIVE training seminar. She came back from the weekend completely transformed.
“She was totally different. She treated me with honor, and respect and encouragement. She was so happy, but I was still so miserable. I looked for ways to bash her and badmouth her and trash the training. I wanted to make her feel horrible. And she would come back with a smile and treated me with honor and integrity,” Gabriel said.
After First Steps To Success, Alissa understood she wouldn’t change Gabriel. She could only change herself. She saw immediate changes in her business, cut her hours back from 80 hours a week to five hours a week and began to honor her role as a wife and mother. The change was so profound, that Gabriel agreed to attend an event with her.
“I had nothing to lose, and everything to gain,” Gabriel said.
Alissa and Gabriel knew there had to be more to life and committed themselves to making a change in the way they were living. Since their first event, not only did Alissa cut back her hours while increasing her income, their marriage is completely restored, they are no longer suicidal and they feel real purpose in their lives. Alissa loves being a mom to their five kids.
“We have paid off over $350,000 worth of debt, put $250,000 in the bank, started a new business and taken an average of 12 vacations a year. We are building massive amounts of wealth, but we are also making friends and establishing real relationships. I feel like I know who I am for the first time in my life, and we are understanding each other,” Alissa said.
Friend, do you want to stop spinning your wheels? Stop feeling like you’re stuck and getting nowhere? Stop feeling worthless, lonely, unloved and like a failure? Do you want to stop trying to prove your worth? Stop toxic habits with your family? Stop feeling like the people around you would be better off without you?
When asked what she would say to the person who is where she was before First Steps To Success, Alissa replied, “After the results I saw from the free content, I knew that I had to get to a live event. Getting in front of Dani changed everything for us. I honestly don’t know where I would be if I hadn’t gone to that first event. Don’t even think about whether this is something you want to do, just do it. I promise the results are worth it. Sell the doors off the inside of your house. Whatever it takes to get there, do it.”
There is more for you, friend. There is more inside of you than you can even imagine right now. At First Steps To Success, you will learn from a coach who has proven results in money, business and relationships. You will learn simple strategies to pay off debt, increase your income, restore your relationships and design life according to your own rules. Dani Johnson equips you with the skills to unlock that potential inside of you and answer the calling on your life. Register now for the next event.
Join us for this episode of The Dani Johnson Show, as Dani interviews two of our incredible clients, who PROVE ordinary, everyday people – just like you – CAN live the life of their dreams!
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