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Raising Kids In An Age Of Mass School Shootings

Thousands of kids have experienced the violence of a mass shooting, and countless more have witnessed coverage of violent school shootings in the media. One middle school actually gave their graduating eigth graders a bulletproof backpack shield.

As a parent, how do you navigate a world where violence is so prevalent? How do you protect your child without making them afraid to leave the house? That’s what we’re discussing in this episode of The Dani Johnson Show.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • Where kids are getting their values, and how to make sure it’s a source you want teaching your kids.
  • Inside information about security in schools.
  • Some insight about the root of violence in children, and what we can do about it.

Additional Resources:

First Steps To Wealth- Dani’s free E-book that breaks down exactly how she overcame her horrific obstacles and applied a few surprising techniques that took her from broke, homeless cocktail waitress to multi-millionaire entrepreneur, best-selling author, radio host and family woman.

Grooming The Next Generation For Success- This home study program empowers you with the skills and strategies to raise honorable, respectful and successful kids. You will learn to motivate your children, activate their strengths and minimize their weaknesses.

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