“My Life Is A Wreck. Why Hasn’t It Turned Around Yet?”
If you’re not being intentional about where you are in the present moment, it’s too easy to spend a lot of time waiting for life to change. But if you’re […]
If you’re not being intentional about where you are in the present moment, it’s too easy to spend a lot of time waiting for life to change.
But if you’re in that place, I’m sure you’ve noticed… nothing is happening. Every day you continue to move in a direction. If you’re wishing and hoping for something different, chances are it is not in a direction that you want to be moving. If you feel lost and hopeless lately, this is your call to action.
If you want to see something change in your life, there is only one way to make it happen. You have to understand that change is impossible without taking responsibility for your actions.
Sometimes we don’t even realize that we AREN’T taking responsibility. Sometimes we shift with the tides of our everyday life, without even realizing where we are going. We aren’t intentional unless we have our guiding values and principles as a compass. But the time to stop drifting is now.
What do you want your life to be? That is a significant thought to digest. What are you looking for? Whatever it is, it’s not going to happen magically. You don’t open your eyes one day and have everything you’ve wished for throughout your lifetime come true.
This is why you need to make ONE decision at a time, and then take full responsibility for what happens. Then, repeat that process. Take ownership of these decisions, because no one else will. There is no need to wait on anyone else, or anything else. YOU ARE ENOUGH to make it happen.
Successful, happy, intelligent, or talented people didn’t get lucky. We all have opportunities, whether they are small or big. What you do with these opportunities has nothing to do with privilege and everything to do with personal determination.
Ready to turn your life around? It starts right here. Keep reading.
Stop Making Excuses
Your fear will feed your lies, especially ones that say you can’t do something. Even worse, it will tell you that you don’t have to do anything. Stop listening to it! Even if you don’t hit your goal, you still will have done much better than if you had done nothing at all. Plus, you will learn valuable lessons from what you did.
Stop Blaming Other People
Blame is nothing more than a trap. It may feel like a release — something to pin your problems on, but it never offers a solution. Blaming others for the outcomes of a situation causes your resentment to stew. It allows you to unpack and live in your feelings. This toxicity hurts you more than it ever hurts others. Move on, accept that you had your part to play, and work on finding a solution to do even better.
Don’t Wait On ANYONE Else
If you are waiting for someone else to save you by carrying you on a white horse, then my friend you have been deceived. Unfortunately, that is not reality. You need to understand that relying on others will never meet your personal needs. If you want to change your life, the very first thing that you need to realize is, this is your life. You have sole ownership of it! Anything that happens as a consequence of your actions is the result of a decision you’ve made. Instead of waiting on other people to help you, I want you to take this opportunity to lead your own life. You won’t regret it.