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The Real Truth About 9/11 – An Interview with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

What is happening in the world according to the Bible? Yes, 9/11 is a historic and humbling day in the United States as we remember those who lost their lives. But have you ever heard of what else happened on that day?

For years Dani has communicated there would be correction coming based on history. In this interview series, Dani sits down with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn about what is happening in the world and the history behind what past events, as well as what is coming.

Unveiling the serious shaking going on in the world, Rabbi Cahn is examining the truth in his newly released second book.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why you need to hear this message today (7:13)
  • What happened on September 11…it’s not what you think (13:27)
  • How America’s economic and military strength are connected (15:30)

Additional Resources

Get The Harbinger II here and get the truth behind what is happening in the world today from a Biblical perspective.

The Scriptures Bible by the Institute of Scripture Research mentioned in this episode.

HOW DO I KNOW I’M HEARING FROM GOD? — Learn to discern the voice of God from the noise going on around and inside of you.

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