When Does A “Stop” Sign Really Mean “Go”?
Watch as Dani shares how to turn every barrier to your advantage and into an opportunity to set yourself apart from the 98%!
Have you ever had someone wrong you, lie about you, steal from you, persecute you, hurt you? What is your response to that? Do you get mad and want to get even? Do you feel like these things always happen to you? Watch to Dani’s Spiritual Equipping in the Marketplace message and discover how you can get more than even, and experience growth and advancement in these situations!
Watch as Dani shares how to turn every barrier to your advantage and into an opportunity to set yourself apart from the 98%!
Thousands of people around the world scavenge for answers to their countless questions. Do they always get answered? And what happens when the answers aren’t what they were expecting? At […]
Watch this undercover video of Dani Johnson shopping in the grocery store! Watch real time debt elimination tips.