For More Money In Your Business Cash Box, Think “Outside The Box!”
Dani leads you, step-by-step, in thinking outside the “average” entrepreneurial box and finally launching the ship that will take you to the business destination you desire!
There are different seasons we all go through in life. There are seasons of plenty, followed by seasons of famine. Most people live large during times of plenty, not even aware that a time of famine is on its way. However, if you know what to expect and how to navigate each season, you can avoid the horrible suffering most people face in times of famine. Listen to this Spiritual Equipping Broadcast on Wednesday, February 13th at 8 pm ET/7 pm CT as Dani shares biblical secrets to help you flourish in a famine.
Dani leads you, step-by-step, in thinking outside the “average” entrepreneurial box and finally launching the ship that will take you to the business destination you desire!
Do you know all those “buts” you have in your head all the time? “But what if it doesn’t work?” But I’m the wrong skin color.” “But I’m the […]
Learn about YOUR authority & true power as a child of God in this empowering Spiritual Equipping episode of The Dani Johnson Show, as Dani teaches straight from Ezekiel – and her front yard – for a crazy faith BOOST!