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Finding Peace when Things Might Not Be Very Peaceful

You can still find peace even though it may feel like things are falling to pieces. And the best news is, you actually hold the key!

I have some good news to share with you. And right now, we could all use some good news: You can still find peace even though it may feel like things are falling to pieces. And the best news is, you actually hold the key! Psychologists recommend the practice of “positive psychology” to help keep your emotions in check. This practice is backed by scientific evidence that proves it can assist you in making conscious and mindful choices to bring you peace and contentment at any time of year.

Researchers from Harvard Medical School explain the benefits of positive psychology this way:

Stop the “stinkin thinkin.” It’s human nature to dwell on negative events or emotions and ignore the positive ones. One way to reverse the focus on the negative to the positive is to pay specific attention to the positive aspects of your day. For example, each night, rather than creating a “to do” list for the next day, create an “I did it” list that highlights everything you completed. You’ll go to bed with a sense of accomplishment.

Play to your strengths. Just as an athlete trains daily to become stronger and perform better, people who use their personal strengths each day function better in life. Think about something you’re good at and enjoy and make sure you use it. If you enjoy writing, then journaling each day might bring you fulfillment. If you’re a music lover, set your morning alarm to music to start your day off right.

Have reasonable expectations. If you expect your life to be like what you see in any kind of media (TV, magazines, even social media), you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Remember, these are idealized images — many of which have been designed to sell you something. In reality, life is messy. People are not going to act the way you expect them to. Expect the unexpected. It’s okay. Give yourself (and others around you) permission to be perfectly imperfect.

Adopt an attitude of gratitude. The part of happiness that we can control is about what we choose to focus on. We can consciously direct our focus and attention on the good things in our lives. This doesn’t mean shutting out the negative. We can’t get rid of sad feelings or negative thoughts, but we can acknowledge them and then redirect focus back to what we have that makes us grateful. Scientists have shown that when adopt an attitude of gratitude, our relationships and our health actually improves. One study found that when college students made a conscious effort to practice gratitude, they felt more optimistic, their sense of well-being improved, and they had greater life satisfaction. Think about those things that you are most grateful for right now. Things like keeping a gratitude journal can help make gratitude a part of your life every day of the year.

All of us at wish you peace not only during this time and all year long.

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